Uvodna tema:
Larry James Winn:
Making Effective Oral Presentations,
The ACS Style Guide,
A Manual for Authors and Editors, 2nd Edition,
Janet S. Dodd, Editor;
American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1997, Chapter 12, pp 367-392.
FIA-FAAS system including on-line solid phase extraction for the determination
of palladium, platinum and rhodium in alloys and ores I.A. Kovalev, L.V.
Bogacheva, G.I. Tsysin , A.A. Formanovsky,
Yu. A. Zolotov.
Highly sensitive CNT composite amperometric sensors integrated in an automated
flow system for the determination of free chlorine in waters
Rosa Olivé-Monllau, Ana Pereira, Jordi Bartrolí, Mireia Baeza, Francisco
Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Recent developments in automatic solid-phase extraction with renewable surfaces
exploiting flow-based approaches
Manuel Miró, Supaporn Kradtap Hartwell, Jaroon Jakmunee, Kate Grudpan, Elo
Harald Hansen.
Anal. Chem.
Biomonitoring of Organophosphorus Agent Exposure by Reactivation of
Cholinesterase Enzyme Based on Carbon Nanotube-Enhanced Flow-Injection
Amperometric Detection
Dan Du, Jun Wang, Jordan N. Smith, Charles Timchalk, and Yuehe Lin.
Anal. Chem.
In-Capillary Screening of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors by
Electrophoretically Mediated Microanalysis with Fluorescence Detection
Xin Hai, Xu Wang, Mohamed El-Attug, Erwin Adams, Jos Hoogmartens, and Ann Van
Anal. Chem.
Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Detection in Paper-Based Microfluidic
Jacqui L. Delaney, Conor F. Hogan, Junfei Tian, and Wei Shen.
Anal. Chem.
XXXX,XX,000-000; DOI: 10.1021/ac102472a:
Enzyme Kinetic Measurements Using a Droplet-Based Microfluidic System with a
Concentration Gradient
Minh-Phuong Ngoc Bui, Cheng Ai Li, Kwi Nam Han, Jaebum Choo, Eun Kyu Lee, and
Gi Hun Seong.
Anal. Chem.
Inkjet Metrology: High-Accuracy Mass Measurements of Microdroplets Produced by
a Drop-on-Demand Dispenser
R. Michael Verkouteren and Jennifer R. Verkouteren.
Journal of Chemical Education
Automated Flow-Injection Instrument for Chemiluminescence Detection Using a
Low-Cost Photodiode Detector. An Interdisciplinary Project in Chemical
Instrumentation, Graphical Programming, Computer Interfacing, and Analytical
A. Economou, D. Papargyris, and J. Stratis.
Anal. Chem.
Direct Gravimetric Determination of Aerosol Mass Concentration in Central
Anna Annibaldi, Cristina Truzzi, Silvia Illuminati, and Giuseppe Scarponi.
Anal. Chem.
Theory and Experiments of Transport at Channel Microband Electrodes under
Laminar Flows. 2.Electrochemical Regimes at Double Microband Assemblies under
Steady State
Christian Amatore, Nicolas Da Mota, Célia Lemmer, Cécile Pebay, Catherine
Sella, and Laurent Thouin.
Anal. Chem.
High-Throughput Sequential Injection Method for Simultaneous Determination of
Plutonium and Neptunium in Environmental Solids Using Macroporous
Anion-Exchange Chromatography, Followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass
Spectrometric Detection
Jixin Qiao, Xiaolin Hou, Per Roos, and Manuel Miró.
Trends in Analytical Chemistry
Response functions for SIMPLEX optimization of flow-injection analysis and
related techniques
Burkhard Horstkotte, Carlos M. Duarte, Víctor Cerdà.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Review: Recent developments in on-line electrochemical stripping analysis—An
overview of the last 12 years
A. Economou.
Anal. Chem.
Multiorifice Flow Fractionation: Continuous Size-Based Separation of
Microspheres Using a Series of Contraction/Expansion Microchannels
Jae-Sung Park and Hyo-Il Jung.
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
pKa determinations by using a HPLC equipped with DAD as a flow injection
Howard Y. Ando, Tycho Heimbach.
Anal. Chem.
Microwave-Assisted Photochemical Reactor for the Online Oxidative Decomposition
and Determination of p-Hydroxymercurybenzoate and Its Thiolic Complexes by Cold
Vapor Generation Atomic Fluorescence Detection
Valeria Angeli, Carlo Ferrari, Iginio Longo,Massimo Onor, Alessandro D’Ulivo,
and Emilia Bramanti.
Anal. Chem.
XXXX,XX,000-000; DOI: 10.1021/ac102716s:
On-Chip Drop-to-Drop Liquid Microextraction Coupled with Real-Time
Concentration Monitoring Technique
Pavithra A. L. Wijethunga, Yasith S. Nanayakkara, Praveen Kunchala, Daniel W.
Armstrong, and Hyejin Moon.
Anal. Chem.
Another Approach Toward over 100 000-Fold Sensitivity Increase in Capillary
Electrophoresis: Electrokinetic Supercharging with Optimized Sample Injection
Zhongqi Xu, Kentaro Nakamura, Andrei R. Timerbaev, and Takeshi Hirokawa.
Anal. Chem.
Rapid Online Nonenzymatic Protein Digestion Combining Microwave Heating Acid
Hydrolysis and Electrochemical Oxidation
Franco Basile and Nicolas Hauser.
Anal. Chem.
Monitoring a Reaction at Submillisecond Resolution in Picoliter Volumes
Ansgar M. Huebner, Chris Abell, Wilhelm T. S. Huck, Charles N. Baroud, and
Florian Hollfelder.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Sequential injection analysis using electrochemical detection: A review
R. Pérez-Olmos, J.C. Soto, N. Zárate, A.N. Araújo, M.C.B.S.M.
Anal. Chem.
Achieving Uniform Mixing in a Microfluidic Device: Hydrodynamic Focusing Prior
to Mixing
Hye Yoon Park, Xiangyun Qiu, Elizabeth Rhoades, Jonas Korlach, Lisa W. Kwok,
Warren R. Zipfel, Watt W. Webb, and Lois Pollack.
The impact of flow injection on modern chemical analysis: has it fulfilled our
expectations? And where are we going?
Elo Harald Hansen.
Anal. Chem.
Integrated Microfluidic System for Rapid Forensic DNA Analysis: Sample
Collection to DNA Profile
Andrew J. Hopwood, Cedric Hurth, Jianing Yang, Zhi Cai, Nina Moran, John G.
Lee-Edghill,Alan Nordquist, Ralf Lenigk, Matthew D. Estes, John P. Haley, Colin
R. McAlister, Xiaojia Chen, Carla Brooks, Stan Smith, Keith Elliott, Pieris
Koumi, Frederic Zenhausern, and Gillian Tully.
Anal. Chem.
Autonomous Microfluidic Control by Chemically Actuated Micropumps and Its
Application to Chemical Analyses
Atsushi Takashima, Kenichi Kojima, and Hiroaki Suzuki.
Anal. Chem.
On-line HPLC Analysis System for Metabolism and Inhibition Studies in
Precision-Cut Liver Slices
Paul M. van Midwoud, Joost Janssen, Marjolijn T. Merema, Inge A. M. de
Graaf, Geny M. M. Groothuis, and Elisabeth Verpoorte.
Anal. Chem.
On-Chip Electro Membrane Extraction with Online Ultraviolet and Mass
Spectrometric Detection
Nickolaj Jacob Petersen, Sunniva Taule Foss, Henrik Jensen, Steen Honoré
Hansen, Christian Skonberg, Detlef Snakenborg, Jörg P. Kutter, and Stig
Anal. Chem.
Improving Pressure Robustness, Reliability, and Versatility of Solenoid-Pump
Flow Systems Using a Miniature Economic Control Unit Including Two Simple
Pressure Pulse Mathematical Models
Burkhard Horstkotte, Erich Ledesma, Carlos M. Duarte, and Víctor Cerdà.
Anal. Chem.
Nanofractionation Spotter Technology for Rapid Contactless and High-Resolution
Deposition of LC Eluent for Further Off-Line Analysis
Jeroen Kool, Gerdien de Kloe, Arnoud D. Denker, Klaas van Altena, Marek
Smoluch,Dick van Iperen, Tariq T. Nahar,| Rob J. Limburg, Wilfried M. A.
Niessen, Henk Lingeman,Rob Leurs, Iwan J. P. de Esch, August B. Smit,| and
Hubertus Irth.
Anal. Chem.
Portable Microcoil NMR Detection Coupled to Capillary Electrophoresis
Joana Diekmann, Kristl L. Adams, Gregory L. Klunder, Lee Evans, Paul Steele,
Carla Vogt, and Julie L. Herberg.
Anal. Chem.
Venturi Easy Ambient Sonic-Spray Ionization
Vanessa G. Santos, Thaís Regiani, Fernanda F. G. Dias, Wanderson Romão, Jose
Luis Paz Jara, Clécio F. Klitzke, Fernando Coelho, and Marcos N. Eberlin.
Analytica Chimica Acta
Amperometric sensor for cyanide utilizing cyanidase and formate dehydrogenase
Lothar Ketterer, Michael Keusgen.
Anal. Chem.
Programmable Nano-Bio-Chip Sensors: Analytical Meets Clinical
Jesse V. Jokerst, James W. Jacobson and Bryon D. Bhagwandin, Pierre N.
Floriano, Nicolaos Christodoulides, and John T. McDevitt.
Anal. Chem.
Lab-on-Paper with Dual Electrochemical/ Colorimetric Detection for Simultaneous
Determination of Gold and Iron
Amara Apilux, Wijitar Dungchai, Weena Siangproh, Narong Praphairaksit, Charles
S. Henry, and Orawon Chailapakul.
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